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Dashboard 2.5.1 (Released Sept 18, 2019)

Today, we are releasing IMU Step Dashboard v2.5.1 

(at This update will be automatically applied to your cloud dashboard.

This release contains:

  • Exporting with footnotes!
  • Update to Bone Stimulus

Exporting with footnotes

We are excited to finally announce the ability to export your Dashboard data with footnotes!

To export the step data of your session, simply:

  • Log into the IMU Dashboard at
  • Select the Athlete and Session you wish to export
  • Click “Export” on the right-hand side of the screen

This will generate a .csv file containing all of the step information for the selected session as well as each individual footnote that was recorded. This export includes a variety of breakdowns such as left/right leg step count at high/medium/low intensities, the resulting bone stimulus levels, and individual intensity bin step counts.

Important export notes:

Please note the following aspects of this updated IMU Dashboard export:

  • Specific footnote start times and end times equate to exactly when they were created when recording. We have done this so you may compare your IMU Step footnote data with other data sources, such as GPS.
  • These above times differ from the dashboard, which displays the start time and end time based on when the first and last step in the footnote occurred.
  • All start times and end times are relative to the specific time zone the session was recorded in (i.e. these times are not UTC).

Bone Stimulus

We have updated the name of our “Bone Load” metric to “Bone Stimulus”. We believe this is a more accurate representation of what our bone model portrays, which is the bone’s response to the impacts it sustains via tibial shock from every step taken.

If you’d like to find out more about “Bone Stimulus”, head to our FAQ page where you can also download a copy of our whitepaper:

Happy Measuring!

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